Linen hemp rope green 6mm exclusive; Set 7x8m and 2x4m

In stock

159,00  **

2,48  / m

incl. VAT

Delivery time: 5-7 days *


Linen hemp rope 6mm green EXCLUSIVE

The 7x8m rope set can be described as a classic. The whole thing is complemented with two short ropes, which offer a wide range of possibilities. The linen hemp rope 6mm EXCLUSIVE is very soft and supple! It has been treated several times to maintain the best quality. The rope impresses with its round, even and knotless structure along its entire length. Furthermore, the ends are decorated with small knots.



Linen hemp rope 6mm green EXCLUSIVE
3-strand rotated
Color: green
Trisk knot
Length: 7x8m / 2x4m
(The rope length can deviate up to 3% from the length specification)



Check ropes regularly for wear and damage! With twisted or twisted ropes it can happen that they loosen during use!
The ropes have been dyed as a whole and are not the same color right down to the middle.


Scope of delivery: Rope set 7x8m and 2x4m linen hemp rope 6mm green EXCLUSIVE


 The information on the products is given to the best of our knowledge and belief. All dimensions are approximate. The use of the products offered here in the shop is at your own risk. Every person reacts differently to external influences, to pleasure or pain, etc. Therefore, no liability can be accepted for improper use. Each user bears full responsibility for the use or correct use of the products and their unpredictable consequences.

Product safety

Manufacturer information

Manufacturer / Producent / Fabricant / Produttore / Hiersteller / Fabrikant / Fabricante / Tillverkare / Fabricante /Manufacturer:

Andreas Venus
Haidberg 2
94379 Sankt Englmar

Product safety documents

Safety instructions

Instructions for use for bondage ropes made of linen, hemp and jute (3–6 mm)

Important information on use:
1. Diameter and use:

  • 3 mm and 4 mm: Not suitable for hanging bondage. For lighter applications such as decoration or gentle bondage.
  • 5 mm and 6 mm: Suitable for hanging bondage when used correctly. It is recommended to use the ropes at least 4 times, preferably 6 times or 8 times, depending on the application. Colored ropes have reduced load-bearing capacity.
  1. Care and cleaning:
  • Cleaning: It is best not to wash ropes. If necessary, wipe with a damp cloth and dry under tension.
  • Disinfection: Possible in the oven at approx. 90 °C for 10 minutes. Then treat carefully.
  1. Aftercare:
  • After cleaning or flaming, treat the ropes with suitable oils (e.g. jojoba oil) or waxes (e.g. berry or beeswax) to maintain flexibility and durability.
  1. Safety instructions:
  • Check ropes for wear, tear or other damage before use.
  • Damaged ropes are no longer safe and must be replaced.

Additional information:

  • Always use rope with skill and caution, especially in suspension bondage.
  • Store the ropes in a dry place and protected from light to avoid material fatigue.
  • The rope is a natural product and is subject to natural variations in strength and durability.

Proper care and use will ensure the longevity and safety of your bondage ropes.


Instructions for use for bondage seals made of linen hemp on jut (3–6 mm)

Important instructions for use:
1. Durometer of application:

  • 3 mm to 4 mm: Net suitable for suspension bondage. There are light uses such as decoration or gentle restraints.
  • 5 mm to 6 mm: Suitable for suspension bondage when used appropriately. God recommends that you use at least 4 times, better 6 or 8 times. Colored Seeler hunn narrowly reduced loaded bark.
  1. Maintenance of cleaning:
  • Cleaning: Sealers should not be washed. When it is done, dry it with a damp rag on the inside.
  • Disinfection: In the oven at around 90 °C for 10 minutes. Do not treat the disinfectant well.
  1. wet treatment:
  • Before cleaning or flame-burning, treat the sealer with a suitable wax (e.g. jojoba wax) or wax (e.g. berry or beeswax) to maintain the flexibility and durability.
  1. Safety instructions:
  • Control the soul through the Notzung op Abrëch, Rëss or aner Schued.
  • Decided Seeler doesn't mean to be sure that Ginn should be replaced.

Zousätzlech Instructions:

  • Always use caution and caution during suspension bondage.
  • Save the soul in a narrow space in a light-protected space to avoid material fatigue.
  • The soul is a natural product with natural variations to strengthen its durability.

Proper care on an emergency basis guarantees you the length of your life and safety from your bondage souls.



Bruksanvisningar for bondage rep in linhampa and jute (3-6 mm)

Viktiga instructional instructor:
1. Diameter and application:

  • 3 mm and 4 mm: Ej lamp league for hanging bondage. For the best decoration, you can also use it to decorate yourself.
  • 5 mm and 6 mm: Lamp league for hanging bondage vid correctly applied. The recommendations are available in 4-bearing, 6-bearing and 8-bearing versions. Färgade rep har reducerad hållbarhet.
  1. Value and advantages:
  • Rengöring: Repen ska inte tvättas. Vid behov torka av med en fuktig trasa och låt torka under spänning.
  • Disinfection: Possible at around 90 °C in 10 minutes. Treat noggrant efteråt.
  1. Efterbe treatment:
  • Behandla repen efter rengöring or bränning with lämpliga oljor (t.ex. jojobaolja) or vaxer (t.ex. bär- eller bivax) for att bevara flexibiliteten och livslängden.
  1. Safety instructions:
  • Controller repen for användning for slitage, sprickor or andra skador.
  • Skadade rep är inte longer säkra och måste bytas ut.

Ytterligare instructions:

  • Använd repen alltid with kunskap och försiktighet, särskilt vid hanging bondage.
  • There is more room in the tower and more places for att and material.
  • Repen är ett natural material and can also be used as a natural variation in styrka and hållbarhet.

Genome correct skötsel och användning säkerställer du lång livslängd och säkerhet for dina bondage-rep.



Brugsanvisninger for bondage-reb i hørhamp and jute (3-6 mm)

Important instructions:
1. Diameter and application:

  • 3 mm and 4 mm: Suitable for hanging bondage. The letter can be used for decoration or the binding binding.
  • 5 mm and 6 mm: Egnet til hanging bondage used correctly. The attachments at the bridge are at least 4-double, but 6-double or 8-double are attached to the device. Farvede reb har reduceret belastningsevne.
  1. Vedligeholdelse and rengøring:
  • Rengøring: Reben bør ikke vaskes. Ved behov kan de tørres af med en fugtig klud og tørres under spænding.
  • Disinfection: Muligt i ovn ved approx. 90 °C in 10 minutes. Treat grundigt efterfølgende.
  1. Efterbe treatment:
  • Treat the grapes efter rengøring or afbrænding with suitable olier (f.eks. jojobaolie) or voks (f.eks. bær- eller bivoks) for at bevare fleksibilitet og holdbarhed.
  1. Safety instructions:
  • Controller rebene for bridge for tegn on slid, revner or other skater.
  • Skadede reb he ikke longer sikre og skal udskiftes.

Further instructions:

  • Brug altid rebene with kendskab and forsigtighed, især ved hanging bondage.
  • Opbevar reebene på et tørt og mørkt sted for at undgå materialetræthed.
  • Vines are a natural product and can be used in natural variations in strength and hold.

Ved correctly vedligeholdelse og brug sikrer du lang levetid og sikkerhed for dine bondage-reb.


Instructions for using cordas de bondage feitas de cânhamo de linho e juta (3-6 mm)

Important instructions for us:
1. Diameter and use:

  • 3 mm and 4 mm: Not suitable for suspension bondage. São indicadas para usos mais leves, como decoração ou amarras suaves.
  • 5 mm and 6 mm: Adequadas for bondage de suspensão when using corretamente. Recommendation-se usar as cordas pelo menos com 4 camadas, preferencialmente 6 or 8 camadas, depending on the application. Cordas tingidas apresentam capacidade de charge reduzida.
  1. Maintenance and cleaning:
  • Limpeza: As cordas não devem ser lavadas. It is necessary to clean up the pano úmido e deixe secar sob tensão.
  • Disinfection: This should be done at 90 °C for 10 minutes. Após isso, stepped as cordas cuidadosamente.
  1. Careful use:
  • As a limpeza or queima das pontas, trate as cordas óleos adequados (ex: óleo de jojoba) or ceras (ex: cera de abelha ou de frutos) para manter a flexibilidade ea durabilidade the cordas.
  1. Safety instructions:
  • Inspecione as cordas antes de usar to verificar desgaste, rachaduras ou outros danos.
  • Cordas danificadas are not safe and therefore substitutes.

Additional instructions:

  • Sempre use as cordas com hecimento e cuidado, especially no caso de bondage de suspensão.
  • Guard as cordas em um local seco e protegido da luz para evitar fadiga do material.
  • As cordas são um produto natural e podem apresentar variações naturais na resistance e durabilidade.

With cuidados and uso adequados, você guarantee a durability and safety of the suas cordas de bondage.




Used for bondage-touwen van Linenhennep in jute (3-6 mm)

Requirements for use:

  1. Diameter and toepassing:
  • 3 mm and 4 mm: Rivet sent for suspension bondage. Sent for brighter toe-passingen zoals decoration of zachte boeiingen.
  • 5 mm and 6 mm: Sent for suspension bondage with correct use. The word should be taken into consideration when the touwen is attached to the toe-passing minimum 4-voudig, with the option of 6-voudig of 8-voudig te used. Colored tones reduce the load capacity.
  1. Maintenance and cleaning:
  • Cleaning: There was no water beforehand. India now has access to a powerful drug and on the spanning latency of drugs.
  • Disinfection: Mogelijk in the oven at 90 °C for 10 minutes. Treat Daarna carefully.
  1. Nabe treatment:
  • Treat the whole process with cleaning of the afbranden with good oil (bijv. jojobaolie) of wassen (bijv. bessen- of bijenwas) with flexibility and long-term use.
  1. Safety instructions:
  • Controleer touwen before use on slijtage, scheuren of other harm.
  • Damage to this item has not been quickly and quickly remedied.

Informative notes:

  • Use this device with knowledge and training, for suspension bondage.
  • Beware of everything that is safe and protected from the light from the material, so that it can be used.
  • This is a natural product and has a natural variety in strength and durability.

Door correct onderhoud en gebruik verlengt and de levensduur veiligheid van uw bondage-touwen




Instructions for use of bondage cords in linen and jute (3-6 mm)

Consignes importantes d'utilisation:
1. Diameter and use:

  • 3 mm and 4 mm: Not adapted to suspended bondage. Convient for the utilisations légères comme la decoration or les attaches douces.
  • 5 mm and 6 mm: Convient au bondage suspension in cas d'utilization correcte. It is recommended to use the minimum cords in quadruple, ideally in sextuple or octuple, according to the application. The colored cords present a capacity for charging.
  1. Maintenance and cleaning:
  • Nettoyage: Évitez de laver les cordes. If you need it, it's with a chiffon humid and laissez-les safe sous tension.
  • Disinfection: Possible at four temperatures at 90 °C for 10 minutes. Traitez soigneusement après.
  1. Post-treatment:
  • Traitez les cordes après nettoyage ou brûlage with des huiles adaptées (par example, huile de jojoba) or des cires (par example, cire de baies ou de miel) to preserve the souplesse and the durability.
  1. Security orders:
  • Verify the cords before use to detect the signs of wear, fissures or other defects.
  • The cords endommagées are not plus safe and doivent and remplacées.

Additional advice:

  • Use the cords with preparation and expertise, en particulier for the bondage suspension.
  • Stock the cords in a second end and use the light to reduce the fatigue of the material.
  • Les cordes sont des products naturels and present des variations naturelles de résistance et de durability.

An entretien et une utilization appropriés guarantee the longevity and security of the bondage cords.



Instrucciones de uso para cordas de bondage de lino y yute (3-6 mm)

Important indications for the user:
1. Diameter and use:

  • 3 mm and 4 mm: No aptas para bondage en suspensión. Adecuadas for usos ligeros with decoration or ataduras suaves.
  • 5 mm and 6 mm: Aptas para bondage en suspensión con un uso adecuado. It is recommended to use the cords in 4 caps, preferably in 6 and 8 caps, to confirm the application. Las cordas tenidas have a capacidad de charge reducida.
  1. Care and cleaning:
  • Limpieza: No lave las cuerdas. It is necessary to lighten up with a humid sound and low tension.
  • Disinfection: Possible at 90 °C for 10 minutes. Trate cuidadosamente después.
  1. Maintenance:
  • Después de limpiar or flamear, trate las cordas with aceites adecuados (por ejemplo, aceite de jojoba) or ceras (por ejemplo, cera de bayas or de abejas) para mantener su flexibilidad y durabilidad.
  1. Safety indications:
  • Revise the cords before you use them to detect desgaste, grietas and other daños.
  • The cords are not secure and can be reemplaced.

Additional indications:

  • Use the cords with conocimiento y precaución, especially for bondage and suspension.
  • Almacene las cordas en un lugar seco y protegido de la luz para evitar el desgaste del material.
  • The cords are a natural product and have different subjects, natural resistance and durability.

A mantenimiento and uso adecuados guarantee the longevidad and seguridad de sus cordas de bondage.




Istruzioni for the use of the corde da bondage in canapa di lino e juta (3-6 mm)

Important indications for the user:
1. Diameter and use:

  • 3 mm and 4 mm: Not suitable for bondage. The application is very light, decorative or delicate.
  • 5 mm and 6 mm: Suitable for bondage so that it can be used for correttamente. You can use the cable almeno in 4 strati, preferably in 6 or 8 strati, a second dell'application. Hanno's colored cord has a carico ridotta capacity.
  1. Care and cleaning:
  • Pulizia: Don't wash the cord. It is necessary to pull with a panno umido and farle asciugare sotto tensione.
  • Disinfection: Possible within about 90 °C per 10 minutes. Trettare accuratamente dopo.
  1. Post-use treatment:
  • Trattare le corde dopo the pulizia or la fiammeggiatura with oli adeguati (ad esempio, olio di jojoba) or cere (ad esempio, cera di bacche o cera d'api) per mantenere la flessibilità e la durata.
  1. Safety instructions:
  • Control the cord in the first place for any possible use, crepe or drink.
  • Le corde theneggiate non sono più sicure e devono essere standituite.

Additional indications:

  • Use the cord with competenza e cautela, specialmente for the bondage sospeso.
  • Preserve the cord in a luogo asciutto and protect the light from the use of the materials.
  • The cord is also a natural product and has a variety of natural resistance and durability.

The correct use and maintenance guarantee the longevity and safety of the bondage cord.

Linen hemp rope black 5mm exclusive; Single rope 8m

22,50  **

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Linen hemp rope black 5mm exclusive; Single rope 8m

Base price: 2.81 €/m

Delivery time: 5-7 days *

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Linen hemp rope green 5mm exclusive; Single rope 4m

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Delivery time: 5-7 days *

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Linen hemp rope yellow 6mm exclusive; Set 7x8m and 2x4m

159,00  **

Base price: 2,48 €/m

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Linen hemp rope yellow 6mm exclusive; Set 7x8m and 2x4m

Base price: 2,48 €/m

Delivery time: 5-7 days *

159,00  **